Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Another day, another ................ day I guess!

Well, it's Tuesday and I feel.... well, I just feel. Today I have some domestic things to do, like washing, changing our bed linen, paying the rates (sorry, Council Tax) and generally being useful. Makes a change I know, but unemployment does strange things to a man!!

I finally heard from Monarch. No, they don't want my vast experience and knowledge. Probably something to do with the fact I didn't really try with their "Thompson Test". And I'm really quite glad. I am heartily sick of firms that use these "Tests" to ascertain your character. I am afraid I am of the opinion that you cannot judge anyone until you get to know them and to rely on a sequence of random words to make decisions on who to employ shows a distinct failing in the people that use them.

Whatever happened to using personal judgement? HR is what happened. Lots of lovely bright young things with weird ideas and little or no experience with real people. Frankly, all Human Resources is, is another dumbing down of personality and an attempt to compartmentalise people in the same way as a tool or component. And unfortunately it really doesn't work. Still, maybe I'm just a sad old git who has a chip on his shoulder. But I don't think I am the only one who thinks like this so judge for yourself - and no, you can't have a "Test" to do your judging for you!!

Yesterday I tried to get "Jobseekers" to sign an insurance claim form for one of my creditors. But, oh dear, you can't just walk in and ask. You must make an appointment. Which means another trip to Redhill, wasting more of my limited resources. For what? So that some Civil Servant (not so civil and definately no servant) can permit you to claim for the service you have already paid for in insurance charges. Honestly, I thought the Air Force was anal in it's beaurocracy but this crowd take the bisuit. From my impression they all think that everyone applying for help is a seril criminal and shirker who simply wants something for nothing!

It's all a sort of power trip really. There they are, in a secure job (lets face it, with unemployment rising and no signs of recovery, their job is pretty safe) talking to people who are already traumatised by losing their job. They treat you as if you know the system, as if you know what to claim for and how to do it. If you ask a question they look at you as if you were stupid. And help you get work? When does that happen I wonder? Frankly they are a waste of time and space. Bring back the old system where you actually worked with these people to find a job, not got directed to the internet or the phone - bearing in mind many cannot afford either if they are out of work and living on what the Governemnt considers to be an adequate amount. I'd like to see a Government Minister try living on £94 a week. And support a family.

What they don't realise is that when people are out of work for the first time they need help to find what they can apply for, not yet another impersonal phone call to a moron who assumes you know what you want.

In this recession nothing has changed. The Banks still think they are owed every penny and the Government think they are some sort of wonderkind. In reality the Banks should be helping the people who lose their job and have loans, cards and debt. But no, they think if they bully you then somehow you will find the money to ensure their survival, bugger yours. I just wonder why, when you take the time to explain your financial situation to them, they simply do not listen. Don't they realise that this is serious? No, of course they don't. They still have their pensions, their investments and their insurances. They just want to, like the Jobseekers crowd, impose their will on you and make you bow to their yoke so that, when you get another job and clear your debts, they can entice you back to do it all over again.

Well, sadly, I won't be doing this, should the unthinkable happen and I have to go back to working for a living instead of sponging off the state. Oh, sorry, thats right. I don't actually sponge as they don't actually give me anything. Silly man, I must be more senile than my sons think.

Well, that's todays rant and I suspect it will get worse before it gets better.

On a lighter note I shall be screening some pictures for the excellent AirwayPhotos website later. That should be fun.

Right, busy day ahead, must shower while I still have one.


Monday, April 27, 2009

In the beginning....................

Well, here I am, blogging. Whatever that is.

I suppose it will help me reduce the pressure while I am unemployed and maybe help vent my spleen. So many things to whine about, so little time!!

So, here we go. I'm Andy Marks, one time Planning Engineer, now lazy slob, with about as much chance of getting a job as as the man who sold Noah two male elephants. I'm in my middle 50's, dashingly handsome (well, I have to start being positive!) and I have a cynical and somewhat jaundiced view of the world in general.

I'm trying to set up my own Photographic business in order to gain useful employment doing weddings and things, with little success. I take a good photograph, I am competent and I'm friendly (unless crossed by any of my pet peeves). I'm also applying for jobs in the aviation industry with about as much success.

So, for the time being, I shall have to fight off my creditors with one hand while typing drivel and slander with the other. One good thing about being skint is, no one can have your money because you haven't got any!!! Although trying to tell banks and credit card companies this is hard work. I'm not yet sure which part of "I don't have any money" they don't understand.

Today I shall try and organise some sort of routine in order to make my life slightly less miserable. I shall accompany my son to the Dole Office (Yes, I know it's now "Jobseekers", but as they are as much use as mammary glands on a fish we'll stick with the old name). He, like me, is a lazy slob and has better things to worry about than work. Like why his laptop is freezing, why he is always hungry yet as thin as a rake and why he can't seem to get out of bed until the sun is way past it's zenith!

I shall also fill in some budget calculations in a vain attempt to convince my creditors of my poverty. I was going to organise stuff for a boot sale (we need to downsize!) but, as it's raining and miserable (welcome to Monday morning) I shall stay indoors.

I also have to decide how many slices of stale bread and cheese we will have for tea. Should I splash out and do two rounds, or just have one slice open to the elements a la smorgasbord? Decisions, decisions!

Well, I'd better stop for now. I need a shower (have to rig the coke can with the holes and the foot pump) and I guess I should throw on some rags.

Have a nice day